Monday, April 2, 2012

My Earth Hour 2012

My Earth Hour this year was a good one. Just as the clock starts to countdown, my kids got ready and all geared up to really support the Earth Hour event this year. Both of them reminded me many times as to what to switched off and shut down before it starts. Last few years in fact I was the one who told them but this year it was the other way round :)

Good that they really understand the meaning of it and we actually went beyond the hours in the dark with just their homemade lanterns around. It was a fun filled two hours for them with taking photos and eating their noodles in very dim lights from their lanterns. 

A great moment to spend some quality time with my kids minus the tv, radio, games and computers especially facebook...watching them growing up every minute! To me, it seems it was just not too long ago when they were still babies. Time indeed passes by very fast!