I have always been fascinated by miniature items...so small and delicate but then what about microminiatures? The term 'micro' is used to indicate extremely small in scale or scope or capability. Well, how tiny would microminiatures art be? To see these art objects clearly...you must have a magnifying glass or a microscope! Take a look at some of these awesome microminiatures....created by great miniaturist.
Ready to ride An idle bike on a narrow path. |
Great Master A piece of engraving work done on a grain of rice. |
Ready To Ride The craftsman so skilled he is able to put horseshoes and saddle on a flea. |
Russian Samovar This microscopic replica rests on a needle next to a grain of sugar. |
Precious The tank is crafted of gold. So far, the artist has had a hard time finding buyers for his work. |
Tiny Tank This sculpture rests on the open face of a sliced apple seed. |
Gun on a Matchstick The artist worked for six months to create this gold AK-47. It consists of 34 individual parts. |
Caravan Who says you can't put a camel through the eye of a needle? It fits seven camels in it. The artist works between the beats of his heart, in order to keep his hands perfectly still. |
Microbook The smallest ever printed book measures 0.9 x 0.9 mm |